Our Training team spends months researching, writing, and designing our curriculum to make it the best fan activism education available. We are thrilled to be able to provide our toolkits for free. Generous donors make that possible. Please support Fandom Forward and make a voluntary $15 donation per toolkit downloaded.
Fandom Forward brings activism to your favorite fan communities with free toolkits and activities to use with friends, in classrooms, or at your libraries. Even if you just want to think about a fandom in a new way on your own, these resources provide fun and accessible ways to learn. If you do use one of the toolkits, use #FFToolkit on social media to let us know how it went!
For additional articles and campaign information, take a look at our Medium and our campaign history!
If you have questions, fandom suggestions, or you'd like to be notified of future toolkit releases, give us a shout!
uplift: online communities against sexual violence
In 2014, over seventy young women in the YouTube community came forward with accounts of sexual and emotional abuse perpetrated by high-profile creators. As traditional sexual violence frameworks provided little insight into this unique situation, Uplift was designed to provide resources, support, and education specifically tailored to communities fostered through the Internet. For nine years, Uplift expanded upon the missions of traditional sexual violence movements, addressing the complexities that our virtual world added to instances of sexual and emotional abuse, especially within highly networked online communities. In 2023, Uplift announced with deep gratitude that they were ending their journey as an organization.
As a long-time partner of Uplift, Fandom Forward offered to house Uplift’s numerous resources, so they will continue to be available to everyone for free. Below you will find Uplift’s YouTube channel, Uplift’s text resources hosted on Medium, and Uplift’s course for online community leaders.
Engage By Uplift
Engage by Uplift is a YouTube series of over 25 episodes that tackles the difficult issues the YouTube community faces, using real talk for real change. Host Kat Lazo discusses abuse and how it uniquely manifests in virtual spaces. Watch and collaborate with us through calls to action, and join in with some of your favorite YouTubers as they consider the issues in round table discussions.
Medium Articles
Uplift has published 10 articles on Medium to help provided text resources in combatting sexual abuse, emotional manipulation, and other forms of violence in online communities. In particular, we recommend the five part series on Creator / Fan relationships, our guide to creating a code of conduct, and creating safe conventions.
Online Community Leader Training
Online communities face unique challenges. Leaders in those spaces can take proactive steps to foster a safer community for all. Join us as we explore best practices for codes of conduct, harassment prevention, and effective moderation.